After 6 months of chaos, I finally feel like my life is starting to have balance again. I can actually leave the house without forgetting something important, I can go out with friends, leave Isaac home with his Daddy, find time to work out and even get a few hours of shut eye. Oh, it’s good to be back to my “normal” self.
I’m still working part time, and LOVE the days I get to spend with Isaac. Although I must say, come Tuesday morning, I’m ready to head back to work. It’s a great balance between working and being able to stay home with him. Plus, he loves that he gets to see his cousins every morning. They don’t love that they can no longer hold him like a baby, as he only likes to sit up now, and have moved on to hold Cohen instead (another little boy at daycare!). But they still spoil him with lots of hugs and kisses, and I know he just eats that up!
Our summer is going well, I’m not going to lie, I will be beyond thrilled when I can take a walk any time during the morning, not just at 6:15am! The summer here is like winter back home, you can’t really go outside, and boy do I have a case of cabin fever. Which might be part of the reason I like going to work three days, at least I get out of the house.
Isaac is growing up so fast, this Monday he’ll be more than half way through his 6 months. Where did the time go? He’s talking up a storm, and by talking, I mean babbling. Sitting up like a big boy, trying to crawl and eating tons and tons of food. He loves all his fruits and veggies and would sometimes prefer to eat real food over milk. He just started sleeping longer at night. I’m hoping this is the start of something that will stick around for a while.
Also hoping I’ll stick around for a while, and start updating this blog on a more regular basis…no promises!